Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random Blog- Ayuda Me!

Ok. This is what happens when I can’t decide what to write about. (I don’t get writer’s block so much as I become temporarily apathetic at times. Oy vey.)

Sooo… I’m substituting for a Spanish class, and, in place of busy work, the instructor has left a copy of ‘Finding Nemo’ (which is quite hilarious) for the students to watch in Spanish (even MORE hilarious).

And if I learned only one word of Spanish out of that entire movie, it would simply be:

Ayuda Me.

Which means, ‘Help Me.’

And that little brat of a hard headed kid fish Nemo says it. Over. And Over. Again.

I mean, he says it so much, I’m wondering if Pixar had half a mind to have a sub-title for the movie to be ‘Finding Nemo: Help Me!’. I don’t even remember hearing the words ‘help me’ as much in an one of the Saw movies, Hostel’s, Freddy, Jason or Michael Myers movies COMBINED.

*shakes head*

Anyways, yeah, there’s my random thought for the day. Which, given my current state of mind, has me finding myself quoting the exact same sentiment.

Help Me.

Lord Help Me.

For sanity purposes, anyway. lol


Reka on YOUR-radio-Now said...

Hilarious! Almost makes me wanna watch it in spanish, and btw he does say help me alot (sorta) in the English version. I can recite for you one day lol - The girl you know from Seattle *wink*

T.COLE said...

Lol pienso que la pelicula es muy MUY bueno!! Tu necesitas aprender mas espanol. :)