Tuesday, February 10, 2009

'...and always let your conscience be your guide...'

Anybody remember Pinocchio?

Remember his ‘conscience’ was a lil green bug named Jiminy Cricket?

Well, I do.

Thing is, I’m real. But my Jiminy Cricket is the Incredible Hulk.

Allow me to explain.

I’ve come to realize that I tend to be wayyyy harder on myself than anyone else ever could or would be. If I’ve ever done anything wrong (which has been PLENTY), I beat myself up sooo bad about it, I damn near inhibit and punish myself from even enjoying the basic things in life.

Like, I don’t deserve to.

I feel bad when I do things for myself, because I feel it’s being ’selfish’. And I hate selfish people. So I go above and beyond to look out for everyone else, but find it extremely difficult to accept when people try doing things for me, genuinely and sincerely.

Quite the paradox.

But I’m learning. I’m growing. Had a talk with my man Gutta today, and he basically sonned me on the point to the extent that, well… I couldn’t even argue his premise.

Imagine that. Having to be chastised for not allowing myself to actually LIVE my life and ENJOY the blessings bestowed upon me.


They say God works in mysterious, indirect, albeit random, ways. And I’d have to agree. But he reaches out to us in this fashion because it allows us to be caught off guard, and better able to receive whatever He is trying to tell our hard-headed selves. And I have to bear in mind: I’m a genuinely good dude. At least, I strive to be. I mean, we all fall a lil short from time to time, but my intentions are good, even if the outcome sucks. But I had to be reminded and humbled today that the good that I put out truly DOES come back, in ways and routes never expected.

So I shouldn’t question the blessing; just accept it, thank Him for it, and ENJOY it.

I’m working on it.

Now, learn from my mistakes and start enjoying and appreciating your blessings, and quit questioning what God gives you.

Because, trust, I know: like a child, if it seems we’re unappreciative… the Lord giveth, and he definitely WILL taketh away.

*note to self*

Have a Blessed one y’all.

Audio: Check out ’the Healing Book’ from ’the FIXtape’. Free download HERE: http://www.zshare.net/download/537741691b123d17/

1 comment:

This is GREAT PR! said...

Well said. A thoughtful reflection, sir. Talk is cheap, though. Live the behavior you speak about and let your actions speak for themselves. Cheers and best to you!